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Gosia Gocłowska is a lecturer in social psychology at the University of Bath and a member of the Social and Cultural Cognition group at Bath Psychology.

Gosia obtained an MA from the University of Warsaw (2007, magna cum laude), and a PhD from the University of Kent (2011, no corrections). She then won two Marie-Curie Fellowships (IEF and IOF) to work as research fellow at the University of Amsterdam and at the University Rochester (2012-2017). Gosia joined the University of Bath in September 2017.

Research Interests

Gosia's research looks at the psychological underpinnings of open-minded traits, emotions and behaviour. Rather than being a unitary construct, open-mindedness is an umbrella term that covers a range of processes cutting across social and personality psychology (e.g., openness to experience, intellectual humility), emotion (e.g., interest, awe) and information processing (e.g., elaboration). Open-mindedness is often linked with decreased prejudice and stereotyping, greater intellectual humility, as well as greater creativity. However open-mindedness could also potentially have some negative outcomes (e.g., an uncritical acceptance of pseudoscience).

Grants and Awards

Editorial Service

Ad Hoc Reviewing


British Journal of Psychology, Educational Psychology, Educational Researcher, European Journal of Social Psychology, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Frontiers in Psychology, Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, International Journal of Psychology, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Journal of Creative Behavior, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, Journal of Personality, Journal of Social Issues, Memory & Cognition, Review of General Psychology, Sex Roles, Social Cognition, Social Justice Research, Social Psychological and Personality Science, Social Psychology


Israel Science Foundation (ISF), Foundation for Polish Science (FNP)

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